A Veteran’s Contract

Sabrina Marie
3 min readNov 11, 2020


An activist’s thanks.

Photo by Benjamin Faust on Unsplash

“A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America,” in the amount of “up to, and including their life.” -Unknown

I come from a long line of veterans. Today is a day to honor their bravery and sacrifice as they continue to defend our country from our enemies and keep us safe here at home so that we can eat our meals, watch our tv programs in relative peace, in the safety and comforts of our well-constructed homes, while we bask in the luxury of our central heat and air. We are afforded these opportunities and freedoms in the United States of America as a direct result of our military men and women. Not only do they risk their lives to protect ours, but they also do it in less luxurious and often more dangerous conditions.

Like the veteran who willingly signs up for the job no one else wants, the activist does the same. The activist speaks the words no one else wants to say. The activist tries to right the wrongs, and the activist does it all in the pursuit of justice, freedom, and truth, with the willingness to accept the consequences. Veterans know when they enlist they are signing their name to a dangerous but most honorable contract, and believe the cause is worth it. By signing their name they offer to stand out in the cold and stand strong, together, in a united front to ensure those who aren’t strong enough won’t have to. We call them troops. I call them heroes.

According to Meriam-Webster the definition of activism is “using or supporting strong actions in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue”. As an activist and a woman who has been outspoken and has aggressively advocated for the Democratic campaign, a side that has been largely unpopular in my state, I have faced some harrowing circumstances that have left me terrified for my safety and the safety of my family, especially during these most precarious of times during this 2020 presidential election. I’ve considered moving out of state due to the constant barrage of threats and intimidation I have received in a serious effort to silence me. It shouldn’t be this way, but it is, and I knew it when I enlisted my voice and decided to advocate for a cause I care about. No regrets.

There is no celebration for activists, no day to be observed or award to be given, nor does there need to be. We know what we sign up for just as the veteran knows what they are signing up for. As activists, we bleed with them and for them. We stand up and speak out to protect our country and our people regardless of the cost. Today that fight is for democracy and the soul of our nation. Will we pay for it? Absolutely. Is it still worth it? Absolutely. Because freedom is not free, it’s paid for dearly with our time, our bodies, our careers, our families, and even sometimes, our lives.

Happy Veterans Day to all the honorable veterans who have signed that blank check, knowing that someday the bank may come calling. From an activist to a veteran, thank you for walking out onto the battlefield anyway.



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